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Re: I'll believe corporations are people when they let them drive in the HOV lane ...

From: "Blanchard, Michael (InfoSec)" <michael.blanchard () emc com>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 19:36:14 +0000

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Walton [mailto:noloader () gmail com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 1:51 PM
To: Blanchard, Michael (InfoSec)
Cc: funsec () linuxbox org
Subject: Re: [funsec] I'll believe corporations are people when they let them drive in the HOV lane ...

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Blanchard, Michael (InfoSec)
<michael.blanchard () emc com> wrote:
I am FULLY in favor of starting over…. I say there are a couple things that
should happen to “reboot” the government if you will…

1)      Get rid of Democrat and Republican (and ALL others) labels…
Devil's advocate: should it be a multi-party system? Or a 0 party system.

Multi-party systems suffer the same gridlock. Nazi Germany comes to
mind with its 10's or 100's or political parties [not an invocation of
Godwin's Law].

---- ZERO party system... that is the backbone to the whole thing... Each candidate stands on his own issues and 

2)      This is is *very* important….  FIRE the whole lot of them….
Everyone that holds an office right now is fired, period.  I’d say at a
rep/congressman/gov/president level at least.
Sparta - one of the first democracies - had it right. They term
limited public officials and put them on trial when their term was
over. It was a 'check' in the system. If a public official did nothing
wrong, then there was no problem with being investigated and possibly

Its funny how we lost that lesson over the last 1000 years or so.

With those 2 steps, we’ll be able to get full fresh blood into all the
offices, AND the people of these United States will actually have to pay
attention to the candidates.
Related: I consulted with my lawyer on how to stop Obama from running
in 2012. I wanted to file for injunctive relief from the asshole
(assuming he would not get a bullet to the head from some pissed-off

It's not a crazy as it sounds: In 2008, Obama campaigned on (among
others): (1) withdrawal from Iraq; (2) financial industry reform; (3)
executive compensation reform; (4) normalization of relations with
arab countries; (5) 'reconstituionalize' Guantanamo Bay and the
prisoners. We got none of them.

That's why I voted for Obama in 2008. The justice system was not
equipped for the lawsuit. I had no recourse to redress my grievances -
even though he was a candidate at the time and did not enjoy executive

---- your recourse was to NOT vote for him in 2012...


From: funsec-bounces () linuxbox org [mailto:funsec-bounces () linuxbox org] On
Behalf Of Stephanie Daugherty
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 6:29 PM
To: Jeffrey Walton
Cc: funsec () linuxbox org
Subject: Re: [funsec] I'll believe corporations are people when they let
them drive in the HOV lane ...

I've seen calls for direct democracy as a replacement for representative
government. There is a serious danger in that, and that is tyranny of a
majority. Look at Uganda's recent "kill the gays" bill - can we really be
sure that even something as malicious as that couldn't pass here with Faux
News cheerleading it on?

Whatever may take the place of congress in the future, we do have to be
mindful of the "dark side" of democracy - I mean, even in our own history we
once thought slavery and alcohol prohibition were good ideas...

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Jeffrey Walton <noloader () gmail com> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Dan White <dwhite () olp net> wrote:
On 02/04/13 17:10 -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:


Don't be hesitant of starting over. Creationist should appreciate the
biblical theme - nearly all ancient societies talk about the great
flood. Chrisitianity turned it into Noah and the Ark. It should appeal
to Evolutionist too. The fall of the dinosaurs led to the rise of the

Starting over at times is righteous and natural.

Starting over, without fixing the processes that got us here is just going
to lead to the same result. Rapid incremental change (to legal code) is
going to make the difference, but that's going to require a change in how
representational government works - as in cutting the representatives out.

Funny you should bring that up :)

I was not sure if I was being naive or optomisitic (when I question
myself). Here, I hope the new group who would take their place would
have fortitude, courage, and some sense of equity, morals and justice;
and they would not travel in the same sewers.

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