Information Security News: by date

187 messages starting May 05 00 and ending May 31 00
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 31 May

Access denied William Knowles
Pennsylvania makes spreading computer viruses criminal William Knowles
Bank manager executed William Knowles
Security experts to plug hacker 'gap in WAP' William Knowles
Senate eyes Guard for info security William Knowles
Pentagon envisions cyber-warfare rise InfoSec News

Tuesday, 30 May

Computer users weather 'Killer Resume' virus William Knowles
Re: E-mail virus info 'stolen' William Knowles
E-mail virus info 'stolen' William Knowles
DOD redefining info ops William Knowles
Malaysian ISP Admits 'Human Error' In Security Fiasco William Knowles
US groups target hackers William Knowles

Monday, 29 May

FBI Says New Computer Virus Is Spreading Through E-mail Marjorie Simmons
Dark side of the Web Berislav Kucan BHZ
Never a dull moment II... William Knowles

Sunday, 28 May

US faces 'quite real' threat of terrorist attack: Cohen William Knowles
Maths Prize Could Revolutionise Encryption Berislav Kucan BHZ
Firm Says Virtually any Device can be Monitored Online InfoSec News
Freedom ship 'will be target for terrorists' William Knowles
Cyberstalking Hype William Knowles
ANNOUNCE 6/20 Xerox PARC -- Life in an Era of Cryptographic Abundance William Knowles

Saturday, 27 May

Sir Dystic on the "Real Hacks" InfoSec News
E-business Embraces PKI InfoSec News
Lights Out InfoSec News
Enforcers seek funding to combat computer crime InfoSec News
Europe Stalls on Crypto Exports William Knowles
"the best Internet security in the world" William Knowles
SANS Alert on Resume and KAK Viruses (fwd) William Knowles

Friday, 26 May

All Star site gears up for hackers InfoSec News
FIRST Conference 2000 Roger Safian
Microsoft to delay security patch InfoSec News
FBI agent describes front line of war on cybercrime InfoSec News
The Breach That's Shocking the Firewall Industry InfoSec News
Computer Hacker Is Going to Court To Get Plugged In to Lecture Circuit InfoSec News
CIA reprimands 6 officials in Deutch probe InfoSec News

Thursday, 25 May

WH Smith Online crashes after server theft InfoSec News
Flaws in S&P service could put companies' data at risk InfoSec News
Secure Web-2-WAP File Transfers now Possible bhz
Extortion? cult hero
Bogus IDs give easy access to CIA, FBI, Pentagon William Knowles

Wednesday, 24 May

$7 million is payoff for answering world's hardest math problems InfoSec News
Crypto in a crime appears about to become law (fwd) William Knowles
Welcome to Planet Microsoft. William Knowles
DoS attacks on NHL web site InfoSec News
Cybercops will discuss hack attacks William Knowles
FW: Policy Post 6.11: Senate Internet Crime Bill on a Fast Track William Knowles
Love Bug Prompts Security Experts To Poke at Microsoft's Weak Points William Knowles

Tuesday, 23 May

Key Generation Security Flaw in PGP 5.0 (fwd) InfoSec News
Federal agencies urged to secure networks InfoSec News
Who Pays When a Business Is Hacked? William Knowles
Beware of the security zealot InfoSec News
We're not ready for cyberspace attacks William Knowles
Kyl Gears Up For Another Cybercrime-Fighting Bill William Knowles
Blushes at MoD over latest lost laptop blunder William Knowles
South African police take on cybercrime William Knowles
Cyber defence team closer to online reality William Knowles

Monday, 22 May

Re: [2600-AU] The article by Roulla Yiacoumi at Newswire entitled "NewLove bug threat emerges" (fwd) Grant Bayley
Re: Forbes ASAP: How to Hack a Bank Michael Bitow
Re: Arbitrary rant of the day 00-05-17 Robert G. Ferrell
The article by Roulla Yiacoumi at Newswire entitled "NewLove bug threat emerges" Mark Arena
Microsoft patches Windows security hole William Knowles
Security Hole found in NAI Firewall William Knowles
Laptops stolen from Parliament William Knowles
PBX Protection William Knowles
Indian site to counter Pak cyber war on J&K William Knowles
Arbitrary rant of the day 00-05-17 William Knowles
State Dept. Tallies Missing Laptops William Knowles

Sunday, 21 May

FBI computer bug squad defends readiness William Knowles
Re: Forbes ASAP: How to Hack a Bank Matt Caston
Never a dull moment... William Knowles

Saturday, 20 May

Israeli spies tapped Clinton e-mail William Knowles
Security alert as thief grabs military laptop William Knowles
'NewLove' contained: What went right William Knowles
Kerberos Loophole May Close Around Microsoft's Neck William Knowles

Friday, 19 May

Feds: No warrants for Net wiretaps William Knowles
Group of Leading Internet Executives Releases Statement On How To Improve Reliability and Security of the Internet William Knowles
Hacker Rails Against New Worm William Knowles
The Virus 'Ambulance Chasers' William Knowles
How to protect your computer from viruses William Knowles
Forbes ASAP: How to Hack a Bank William Knowles
Experts say new computer virus not spreading as quickly William Knowles
Microsoft fixes quintet of security holes William Knowles

Thursday, 18 May

Montreal Teen Guilty In NASA, MIT, Harvard Hacks William Knowles
Firm aims to protect military from viruses William Knowles
Philippine investigators question former students in 'Love Bug' case William Knowles
Feds Hesitated in Love Bug Reaction William Knowles
Worm alert! LOVELETTER gets nastier William Knowles
Philippines seek cybercrime law William Knowles
House Reps Ban Wireless Decoding William Knowles
Hackers get backdoor access William Knowles
Computer crimes on the rise in Russia, police official says William Knowles
Chick Hackers & Virus Writers William Knowles

Wednesday, 17 May

Open Season: OpenBSD perfects security by one-upmanship William Knowles
G8 Hems and Haws on Cybercrime William Knowles
Microsoft's 'Clippy' a security nightmare? William Knowles
Security draws extra millions William Knowles
"Crime in Cyberspace" First Draft of International Convention Released for Public Discussion William Knowles
Investigators Find Virus Similar to 'Love Bug' William Knowles
Critics Blast MS Security William Knowles

Tuesday, 16 May

Arbitrary rant of the day. William Knowles
Linux Security Week May 7-14 InfoSec News
Phone Phreaks to Rise Again? William Knowles
'America's Most Wanted' site said DoS'ed after cyber-crime broadcast William Knowles
France: We must close 'hacker havens' William Knowles

Monday, 15 May

MS Finally Addresses Email Hole William Knowles
BUGTRAQ Vulnerability Database Statistics Elias Levy
Cyberwarfare William Knowles
FC: G8 officials meet in Paris this week to discuss computer crime William Knowles
ANNOUNCEMENT: "Microsoft, A Proven Threat to National Security" cult hero
Suspect's schoolmate denies involvement in 'Love Bug' virus William Knowles

Sunday, 14 May

Separate ISN discussion list? William Knowles
Editorial: James Lileks Unit 4
News Analysis: The NIPC's Film Debut William Knowles

Saturday, 13 May

Philippines college may expel suspected virus spreader William Knowles
Mazu Networks To Take On DOS Attacks William Knowles
Tackling cyber crime William Knowles
Irish hackers meet regularly to swap notes William Knowles
Microsoft oops! . o O ( Chris )

Friday, 12 May

Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Chico
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Erik Moeller
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Bronc Buster
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Aj Effin ReznoR
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Barry H Gill
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Grant Bayley
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? The Badger
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? The Dodger
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? Felix von Leitner
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? (fwd) Curt Bryson (NTI)
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? (fwd) Felix von Leitner
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? William Knowles
Re: NIPC CyberNotes_2000_09 (fwd) William Knowles
Re: Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? (fwd) William Knowles
Microsoft to Blame for 'Love Bug'? William Knowles
Next viruses will be silent killers William Knowles
'Love Bug' Virus Is Tough Act for Hollywood to Top William Knowles
"Cyber Ethics" conference set for October William Knowles
NYT reporter looking for advice re: encryption products William Knowles
Call it William Knowles

Thursday, 11 May

MSIE's cookie jar is public Jamie McCarthy
New worm -- 'SouthPark' in German William Knowles
Hacker breaches Maine Public Broadcasting's member list William Knowles
Student says he may have accidentally transmitted `Love Bug' virus William Knowles
Philippine college says students' work resembles 'Love Bug' William Knowles
Britain to set up Internet monitoring center William Knowles

Wednesday, 10 May

The Multi-National Love Bug Team William Knowles
NIPC CyberNotes_2000_09 William Knowles
At least 14 federal agencies hit by 'Love Bug' virus William Knowles
Demoted Delaware man set off computer ``time bomb'' William Knowles
Spyder: The Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Of Hackers William Knowles
Security: No Blanket Solution William Knowles
TOM REGAN: Check e-mail attachments William Knowles
Gates Calls For Move To Smart Cards Patrick Oonk
Taking a crack at the fuss over hack William Knowles
Russian Touts Computer Virus as Weapon William Knowles

Tuesday, 09 May

Philippines, like most other countries, lacks resources to fight cybercrime Patrick Oonk
Anti-Virus Patents Issued to Start-Up, RVT Technologies, Inc. For the Isolation of Computer Systems Patrick Oonk
AtomicTangerine Announces First Spin-Off,;Top Minds in Information Security Can Now Meet on the Internet Patrick Oonk
If you thought the 'love bug' was bad, just wait William Knowles
Are PDAs Next for Viruses? William Knowles
Philippine Prosecutors Set 'Love Bug' Suspect Free William Knowles
Did Cops Tab Wrong Suspects? William Knowles
Manila Police Seeking 10 'Love Bug' Suspects William Knowles

Monday, 08 May

Microsoft, Netscape squabble over browser scripting hole William Knowles
Worm Suspect Arrested William Knowles
Why E-Mail Trojans Work So Well - The "Homer Simpson Syndrome" William Knowles
'ILOVEYOU', 'ILOVEYOU' not: other newfound computer viruses William Knowles
Re: Gates: Computer Viruses Harder to Protect Against if Company Split Felix von Leitner
Philippine investigators detain man in 'Love Bug' virus case William Knowles
FEMAs Love potion William Knowles
Philippines says lacks law to arrest virus suspect William Knowles
Quake III flaw could frag your computer William Knowles

Sunday, 07 May

Agencies find LOVE stinks William Knowles
Philippine police suspect young female authored 'love bug' virus William Knowles
Authorities chase wrong LOVE virus suspect William Knowles
FBI investigates e-mails sent to virus author William Knowles
Virus's Resilience Highlights Need to Rethink Security William Knowles
Gates: Computer Viruses Harder to Protect Against if Company Split William Knowles
Crippling Virus Stuns Business World William Knowles
Spy agencies join forces to hunt cyber saboteurs William Knowles

Saturday, 06 May

ISOC Netw & Distr Sys Security Symp (NDSS'01) William Knowles
Computer 'love bug' bites Bush campaign headquarters William Knowles
Philippine Police Wait for 'Love Bug' Warrant William Knowles
Officials say more CIA employees may be punished in computer case William Knowles
Microsoft criticized for lack of software security William Knowles
Apache Site Defaced William Knowles
Worm Writer Identified? William Knowles

Friday, 05 May

Analysts: Costly "Love" virus underscores security flaws William Knowles