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Re: Secure Coding? Bah!

From: Mike Hoskins <mike () adept org>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 14:17:27 -0800

ONEILL David J wrote:
GREAT! More Architect/Developer bashing.

i agree, it's not the attitude we need to promote. everyone is overworked already, we need to suck it up and talk about solutions not point out obvious pitfalls we're all aware of and many have been trying to "solve" for the past decade. OTOH, i agree with a few others that the article purposely took a fair amount of editorial privilege.

security woes of the planet.  Although I have never spent a day in a classroom
studying methods to make applications more secure, I do have a Computer
Science degree and around thirty six years of experience building applications

i respect your knowledge, but i also feel you should either obtain relevant security training or trust a peer to evaluate your work for you. generic "peer review" is a good thing, but having a brain around that makes security their #1 priority is immensely helpful. particularly if you're developing "trusted" applicaitons.

the sad thing is, with the economy the way it has been, many companies could only afford to keep "core" development staff -- of which security types are rarely considered a part.

And from what I've experienced the majority of
breaches come from networks and network devices being hacked.


also, ask yourself the difference between software and hardware. if we in turn say that many of the network "hardware" devices in your experience were hacked due to "software" coding practices... i think we can agree the point of entry doesn't really matter much, code is still often at the core of the compromise. (second probably only to laziness.)

I have met numerous people in my field that were security conscious.  And I
have never met anyone who said that they did not have the time or aspiration
to make their code more secure.  And in this context, the only bad code that I
have had to work with, is code that was developed overseas. My opinion,
outsourcing companies really don't care what the code works like as long as
they get paid.

i agree. it won't always be this way, but i feel it is currently. for now, many of the over-seas places offering "discount labor" are offering it because the skillsets they're marketing are 1984, or at least 1994. ;) no offense, but i've worked with a few of these folks (who were very nice individuals), and they were anything but experts in their field.

> Our problem is that we do care, so we fix the problems we find
before they cause any issues that management would here about.  And this is
how we shot ourselves in the foot, we tell management what we found but it
never sinks in because they did not see any cost penalty.

i thought this kind of security-conscious "refactoring" would have more recognition than ever before given all the recent "ED" buzz. if you have a security-architect-type-person who evangelizes security to TPTB while being technical enough to conduct code review, management would be in the know and you would have more recognition (and development time).

of course most companies never hire that person... but maybe you or a coworker could wear another hat? i've found just sumarizing security-related improvements in development/engineering meetings and making the slightest effort to view security as an item worthy of time on your PM's gant chart goes a long way...

granted, this rant started with "we're all overworked already" -- reminding me what an old co-worker once said, "if i have any more slashes in my title, i'm going to slash someone's throat."

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