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Re: Two-Factor Authentication on the Web

From: Andrew van der Stock <vanderaj () greebo net>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 00:19:28 +1000

The guidelines are about protecting consumers, their identities, and the value of the transaction, not generally access to the account itself or saving your firm's bottom line. So instead of worrying about adopting yet another stale technology which does not solve phishing or identity theft, seize the opportunity to move to the next step and reduce identity theft and fraud.

Q&A's (shared secrets) are truly appalling. They should not be used under any circumstances. Most of the questions are on the public record (DMV, voter registration records, births/deaths/marriages, etc). Many of the others can be found using Google (what's my pet's name... hint you do not have to look hard. For extra points, what's the color of my other cat?), and some questions like what's your favorite color is usually "red" about 75% of the time, "blue" the next 20% of the time, and then a smattering of other colors. Good Q&A's are open ended questions which are hard to find out, lots of answers, but easy to remember... like where did you take your first holiday. Which as a question sucks if you're a famous author like Gerrard Durrel (the answer is Corfu). So basically, once you eliminate all the well known Q&A's people CANNOT remember the answers to them. Strike round one.

Online loan apps are particularly hard to secure - they are prime phishing targets. If you know a lot about your customer already (as in they already have a relationship with you), do NOT ask for any information you already have, and do not show it. This makes it less likely that phishers will target you.

IMHO, for online banking, the day of the password has been over for about two years now. OTPs alone is rapidly approaching the same end zone. However, you *should* be using one time passwords (ie token login) with limited time outs for authenticating to your service on to deter batched / delayed MITM and replay attacks. However, OTP will not prevent phishing attacks logging onto your customer's accounts and pharming the details found within.


a) access to information inside the account which is useful in a online loan application should be utterly minimized or completely eliminated, or at worst only available via transaction authentication. This diminishes the phishing information gathering surface area for your app and phishers will choose weaker or stupider targets

b) value transactions which are hard to reverse, such as pay anyone, should be performed via transaction authentication. Your institution's taste for risk will determine how often and which destinations attract transaction authentication. My preference is do 'em all. But that might be a PITA. For example, paying a "bill" to a Western Union destination is basically asking to be phished, whereas paying a bill to a trusted utility which does not offer cash reversals once a bill is overpaid is unlikely to be phished and you may let that go.

c) Applications for credit should be rare enough that taking a hit for a OTP or transaction authentication is a really good idea.

Always think in terms of authenticating the transaction, not the person. The person should possess the means of authenticating the transaction, such as a transaction signing calculator or mobile phone. I am sure phishers will work out a script or scenario for these babies eventually, but that day is not today.

Tokens which are capable of OTP and transaction signing are not that much more expensive than pure OTP tokens, and they are cheaper than USB connected tokens, which are no better than hard certs (ie smart cards). Connected tokens are the devil's work, and should be avoided as they do not prevent the user pressing "yeah, whatever" whenever you ask for a transaction to be signed. That's not transaction signing, that's a recipe for phishing, particularly if your app asks for trx signing on a regular basis.

Pay Bill 1 - yeah, whatever.
Pay Bill 2 - yeah, whatever.
Pay Phisher - year, whatever.
Pay Bill 3 - yeah, whatever.

It happens in MacOS X, and it'll happen in Vista. It's human nature not to read the security prompts. Make the human part of the transaction, and not "yeah, whatever."

SMS texting works *really* well... As long as you have a solid way of registering the mobile phone and as long as the local carriers have phone cloning under control. Phishers think nothing of ringing up a bored $4.95/hr help desk jockey, and making several guesses as to your pet's name and favorite color (red! no blue!) and changing your cell phone number to their own stolen or throw away pre-paid phones. Registering or changing the number should be done in person, with a strong emphasis on showing lots of photo ID.


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