Metasploit: by author

189 messages starting Jul 24 08 and ending Aug 28 08
Date index | Thread index | Author index


Question about bailiwicked_host.rb . (Jul 24)

Adam Keen

Metasploit implemented on iPhone Adam Keen (Aug 10)

Andre Amorim

Karmetasploit question Andre Amorim (Aug 13)
Karmetasploit question Andre Amorim (Aug 13)


app flooding test arthur (Jul 07)
try to exploit everything arthur (Jul 25)
app flooding test arthur (Jul 07)
try to exploit everything arthur (Jul 25)


meterpreter error base64 (Sep 29)
meterpreter error base64 (Sep 29)


Karmetasploit invalid option -C C G (Sep 12)

chuks Jonia


Clayton Dillard

Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 Clayton Dillard (Jul 22)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 Clayton Dillard (Jul 21)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 Clayton Dillard (Jul 21)


SMB shares cyb3r (Sep 14)

Dan Guido

byakugan installation Dan Guido (Sep 13)

Dark Con

New Modules Dark Con (Aug 26)

egypt at

Karmetasploit! egypt at (Aug 12)
execute -f ping -a " > c:\11.txt" egypt at (Sep 12)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code egypt at (Aug 06)


[BUG] MSFgui 3.1 emagmant3 (Sep 10)

Fabien Carrion

Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Fabien Carrion (Aug 11)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Fabien Carrion (Aug 12)

Fairuzan Roslan

undefined method `slice!' for nil:NilClass Fairuzan Roslan (Aug 15)
Shells doesn't exit cleanly Fairuzan Roslan (Aug 01)

Florian Roth

log file fills up hard disk Florian Roth (Aug 26)

Giorgio Casali

Pentesting through FW, advice needed Giorgio Casali (Jul 29)
Pentesting through FW, advice needed Giorgio Casali (Jul 29)

giuseppe pugliares

Attack a machine with Norton antivirus giuseppe pugliares (Jul 24)
Problem using Metasploit 3.1 giuseppe pugliares (Jul 02)


execute -f ping -a " > c:\11.txt" gleader (Sep 12)
msfgui RHOST length limit too small not support ipv6. gleader (Aug 23)
sessions -i n ; ctrl+z; make the session back have error. gleader (Aug 23)
some payload error at attack ipv6 host, can't make connection gleader (Aug 19)
how to set log and where is gleader (Aug 19)

H D Moore

DNS H D Moore (Jul 31)
meterpreter error H D Moore (Sep 29)
Problem using Metasploit 3.1 H D Moore (Jul 02)
app flooding test H D Moore (Jul 07)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR H D Moore (Aug 11)
Question about bailiwicked_host.rb H D Moore (Jul 24)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 H D Moore (Jul 22)
DNS cache poisoning difficulty H D Moore (Jul 29)
question about run_exploit_using_base.rb H D Moore (Jul 08)
Issues Adding Exploit Modules H D Moore (Jul 24)
Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... H D Moore (Jul 23)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 H D Moore (Jul 21)
alpha_mixed encoding not alpha H D Moore (Jul 21)
New Modules H D Moore (Aug 26)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 05)
smb_relay H D Moore (Jul 29)
some payload error at attack ipv6 host, can't make connection H D Moore (Aug 19)
Karmetasploit! H D Moore (Aug 08)
Karmetasploit! H D Moore (Aug 08)
msfgui windows bug H D Moore (Aug 12)
Microsoft Windows IPv6 Stagers H D Moore (Aug 22)
Avoid Ruby 1.8.7 H D Moore (Sep 24)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 05)
server/browser_autopwn module explaination H D Moore (Aug 10)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 05)
msfgui RHOST length limit too small not support ipv6. H D Moore (Aug 24)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 H D Moore (Jul 21)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 05)
Karmetasploit question H D Moore (Aug 13)
Meterpeter Crashes H D Moore (Jul 16)
Authenticate Capture HTTP H D Moore (Aug 10)
how to set log and where is H D Moore (Aug 19)
Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... H D Moore (Jul 23)
Karmetasploit! H D Moore (Aug 11)
Reverse TCP Stager with NX Support! H D Moore (Aug 11)
Question about bailiwicked_host.rb H D Moore (Jul 25)
Lost Session H D Moore (Jul 31)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 H D Moore (Jul 21)
jruby H D Moore (Aug 02)
Windows Shellcode on Unix H D Moore (Jul 16)
Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... H D Moore (Jul 24)
Exploit info H D Moore (Jul 28)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 05)
Simple HTTP Proxy H D Moore (Aug 19)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading H D Moore (Sep 04)
DNS cache poisoning difficulty H D Moore (Jul 29)

Jaime Blasco

Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... Jaime Blasco (Jul 24)

Jarrod Frates

Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... Jarrod Frates (Jul 23)

Jefferson, Shawn

DNS cache poisoning difficulty Jefferson, Shawn (Jul 29)


Lost Session jeffs (Jul 31)
event subscription system jeffs (Aug 10)
Authenticate Capture HTTP jeffs (Aug 10)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code jeffs (Aug 06)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code jeffs (Aug 06)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code jeffs (Jul 28)
Authenticate Capture HTTP jeffs (Aug 11)

Jerome Athias

Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 Jerome Athias (Jul 21)


smb_relay Jon (Jul 29)
KARMetasploit Jon (Aug 11)

Jose Carlos Luna

Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... Jose Carlos Luna (Jul 24)

Joshua Wright

Karmetasploit! Joshua Wright (Aug 08)

Juan Miguel Paredes

Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... Juan Miguel Paredes (Jul 24)
Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... Juan Miguel Paredes (Jul 24)

Juergen Fiedler

Unexpected Results From a backtrack attack on DVL live CD Juergen Fiedler (Aug 26)

Justin Rogosky

Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 10)
Exploit failed: uninitializedconstant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 10)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 07)
meterpreter Justin Rogosky (Aug 13)
meterpreter Justin Rogosky (Aug 14)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 06)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 10)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Justin Rogosky (Aug 12)


Coding MSF exploit Kain (Jul 22)

Karlsson Anders

KARMetasploit Karlsson Anders (Aug 11)
KARMetasploit Karlsson Anders (Aug 11)

Leo Jackson

Unexpected Results From a backtrack attack on DVL live CD Leo Jackson (Aug 26)
"pentest" yes create one yourself verrrry easy. Leo Jackson (Aug 26)


Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR mel (Aug 19)


An ambiguous hash element in exploit info M. GAD (Jul 18)
Exploit info M. GAD (Jul 28)

Michael Boman

SMB shares Michael Boman (Sep 14)
Karmetasploit! Michael Boman (Aug 08)

Mirko Iodice

server/browser_autopwn module explaination Mirko Iodice (Aug 10)

mmiller at

Skape still in Metasploit Team? mmiller at (Aug 22)
Meterpeter Crashes mmiller at (Jul 15)

M Purandhar Sairam

alpha_mixed encoding not alpha M Purandhar Sairam (Jul 21)

Mr Gabriel

Unexpected Results From a backtrack attack on DVL live CD Mr Gabriel (Aug 26)
Unexpected Results From a backtrack attack on DVL live CD Mr Gabriel (Aug 26)

M. Shirk

Attack a machine with Norton antivirus M. Shirk (Jul 27)


question about run_exploit_using_base.rb M.Tabatabai (Jul 08)
Msf::Sessions::Meterpreter M.Tabatabai (Jul 18)
question about run_exploit_using_base.rb M.Tabatabai (Jul 08)
question about run_exploit_using_base.rb M.Tabatabai (Jul 08)
question about run_exploit_using_base.rb M.Tabatabai (Jul 13)
question about run_exploit_using_base.rb M.Tabatabai (Jul 13)


Exploit for the DNS cache poisoning vulnerability... natron (Jul 24)
Hijacking huge chunks of the internet natron (Aug 28)
Pentesting through FW, advice needed natron (Jul 29)
DNS cache poisoning difficulty natron (Jul 29)

neelima sharma

Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 neelima sharma (Jul 19)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 neelima sharma (Jul 21)


IGMP packet crafting Nick (Jul 25)


Skape still in Metasploit Team? null (Aug 21)

Patrick Webster

Issues Adding Exploit Modules Patrick Webster (Jul 24)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code Patrick Webster (Aug 06)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Patrick Webster (Aug 10)
meterpreter Patrick Webster (Aug 14)
Exploit failed: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Patrick Webster (Aug 06)
Adding custom/new exploits to metasploit framework 3 Patrick Webster (Jul 19)
Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code Patrick Webster (Aug 09)
Windows Shellcode on Unix Patrick Webster (Jul 16)
Attack a machine with Norton antivirus Patrick Webster (Jul 24)
server/browser_autopwn module explaination Patrick Webster (Aug 10)
Issues Adding Exploit Modules Patrick Webster (Jul 24)

Paul Asadoorian

Karmetasploit! Paul Asadoorian (Aug 08)


Karmetasploit! pUm (Aug 12)


byakugan installation Pusscat (Sep 17)
byakugan installation Pusscat (Sep 17)

Robin Wood

Karmetasploit! Robin Wood (Aug 08)


Pentesting through FW, advice needed Ron (Jul 29)

Sat Jagat Singh

DNS cache poisoning difficulty Sat Jagat Singh (Jul 29)

Sol Zehnwirth

Exploit failed: uninitializedconstant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Sol Zehnwirth (Aug 10)
msfgui windows bug Sol Zehnwirth (Aug 12)
framework error: uninitialized constant Msf::ModuleSet::NDR Sol Zehnwirth (Aug 10)

Stewart Fey

Meterpeter Crashes Stewart Fey (Jul 16)
Meterpeter Crashes Stewart Fey (Jul 15)
Meterpeter Crashes Stewart Fey (Jul 16)
Lost Session Stewart Fey (Jul 31)
Meterpeter Crashes Stewart Fey (Jul 16)

tdhauser at

jruby tdhauser at (Aug 02) at

Problem starting metasploit after upgrading at (Sep 05)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading at (Sep 04)
Problem starting metasploit after upgrading at (Sep 05)

Thomas Werth

Karmetasploit! Thomas Werth (Aug 12)
Karmetasploit! Thomas Werth (Aug 12)
Karmetasploit! Thomas Werth (Aug 11)

Tomas L. Byrnes

Attack a machine with Norton antivirus Tomas L. Byrnes (Jul 27)


Issues Adding Exploit Modules Tyler (Jul 24)
Issues Adding Exploit Modules Tyler (Jul 24)

Ty Miller

Windows Shellcode on Unix Ty Miller (Jul 16)
Windows Shellcode on Unix Ty Miller (Jul 17)
alpha_mixed encoding not alpha Ty Miller (Jul 21)
Windows Shellcode on Unix Ty Miller (Jul 17)
alpha_mixed encoding not alpha Ty Miller (Jul 21)

Vincent MAUGE

Simple HTTP Proxy Vincent MAUGE (Aug 19)
Simple HTTP Proxy Vincent MAUGE (Aug 19)

Wesley McGrew

Web Search Scan module Wesley McGrew (Aug 01)


Karmetasploit invalid option -C woody87 (Sep 11)

Wright, Gareth

Hijacking huge chunks of the internet Wright, Gareth (Aug 28)
DNS Wright, Gareth (Jul 31)
Hijacking huge chunks of the internet Wright, Gareth (Aug 28)