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RE: Secure Coding? Bah!

From: Tim Greer <chatmaster () charter net>
Date: 23 Jan 2004 08:25:23 -0800

On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 22:55, Taco Fleur wrote:
Any application that depends on something that is not written by the
developer itself, i.e. objects, dlls, the parsing engine cannot be 100%

Yes, that can be true.  However, I don't personally use other people's
code when I make the claim that something can be 100% secure.  After
all, how could I, short of reviewing all the code in the component used,
and ensure it's not changed and it suits the needs of the application
without posing a risk.  However, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing to
use other libs / code, I'm not talking about that and guaranteeing other
people's code.

I am assuming we are talking about application that are dynamic and not
plain static HTML,

Well, with sanity checks and filtering and how you accept the input,
with all the proper checks (the point of the discussion and secure
coding), how you manage memory and so much more, dynamic applications
aren't anymore of a risk than one with static output that had the output
hardcoded.  It all depends on the skills of the developer and if they
really know what the application should do and how they control it.

 therefore they always rely on something,

Well, that depends, but that can be true, as I said--it just depends on
how you look at it.  Is it a daemon you coded yourself, or does it use a
web service.  If so, what interface it uses and how safe that web server
component or interface, as well as the protocol is.  Sure.  And, if a
daemon, what about any issues with the kernel and so on.  So, yes, it's
possible, though the more you don't rely on other people / software, the
more secure your application is and the more confident you can be about
knowing it's safe (assuming you do know what you're doing well enough
and have indeed covered all the risks).

 the code can be
good and secure, but is the parsing engine free of bugs and exploits, is the
db secure, can the dll be exploited etc. etc.

Yes, and that all depends, so we can't assume that's a potential case
for all applications, though (as I said myself and agree) it is common
to affect even a secure application that was coded well.  Hopefully most
of these things you can deal with, but if there's an issue with a
parsing engine, database, or you use (for example) functions from
modules / libs that might not do proper checking or have bigger issues,
it can indeed affect the code.

That's what I reckon anyway, if you see it differently, by all means let me
know about it.

Assuming you don't rely on any components and you create and use only
your own code, your application can indeed be secure.  As I said myself,
other factors can pose risks, and I'm not encouraging people to go
reinvent the wheel for every application they create, but it also isn't
impossible by any means.
Tim Greer <chatmaster () charter net>

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